2024 Fighting Fund

Your financial support of the 2024 Fighting Fund will mean the NCC can continue to conduct events, research and analysis, and to organise action, and the building and maintaining of communities, all aimed at making Australia a better place for each and every one of us. Donate here.

Help us build:

  • Dedicated policy roundtables with leading experts and emerging thinkers focussed on defence, housing, education, and energy policy.
  • Ongoing education, formation, and internship programs for the young and not so young.
  • New, distinctly Australian media and analysis platforms building on our success with News Weekly.
Fighting Fund
Donate here

Luke McCormack – NCC National President

For a stronger Australia

Looking for an alternative approach to public policy?

Our Mission

The National Civic Council is an organisation that refuses extremes of left and right, and instead examines policy based on five primacies or principles. The NCC seeks to shape public policy to help people, families, communities and small business succeed.

About Us

What sets us apart

Our 5 Primacies

Our values as an organisation: the National Civic Council seeks to empower individuals, families and small businesses to build a healthy, flourishing, prosperous society for all Australians, based on careful analysis of how to improve on our nation’s current policies. We stand for the family, for human dignity and for an independent, free nation.


The basic unit of society, the foundation of the nation and the most effective provider of welfare to children, the sick or disabled, and the aged.


The small unit in agriculture (the family farm), business, government and unions, as opposed to monopolies and excessive centralisation.

Human Dignity

Respect for the integrity of each human being, from conception to natural death.


Founded on independent foreign policy based on the national interest, self-reliance in defence, and insistence on Australia’s sovereignty over financial markets or international agencies.

Judeo-Christian Values

The concept of the common good, and ethical objectivity.

Publishing for over 80 years

Independent news,

for independent minds

Training the next generation

The Ypat experience

Are you a young person aged between 18 – 30? Do you want to learn more about the political, social and institutional structures of the world?

Ypat is for you. A week long, immersive retreat to examine society and politics. Ypat is a residential program where you’ll gain the knowledge, insight and practical understanding of the political and cultural systems which influence our society today.

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Ways to be Involved

  • 1. Volunteer with us

    If you have a passion for seeing the truth come out on top, there are plenty of jobs to be done along the way. Apply Today!

  • 2. Share our content

    Half the battle is getting culture and people in power to understand the truth; our key messages and multimedia content help equip you to take a part in that conversation. Don’t forget to share them!

  • 3. Get Informed

    Read, Watch and Listen to all our platforms of content: in-depth News Weekly articles or quick key messages from our social media. Together we can dispel ignorance!

  • 4. Join our email list

    Sign up to receive NCC’s campaign information  and you may wish to receive one FREE News Weekly article each week. It’s up to you and it’s free.

  • 5. Attend our Events

    By joining our email list above, you will get invites to our conferences, debates, dinners, and online events.

  • 6. Donate

    Consider a monthly gift, a bequest or just a single donation toward our work defending true freedom. Donate here.

Become a Financial Partner!

All our efforts rely on the generous donations of our national community to defend the values that make our nation great and give it the best opportunities for future generations.

Our Mission

Why we do what we do

The National Civic Council (NCC) has published News Weekly for over 80 years. Our first task is to present comprehensive post-Covid19 economic policies, based on the NCC’s five primacies.

These policies are to build industries that strategically strengthen Australia, reduce Australia’s reliance on China and provide well-paid jobs that rebuild the struggling middle class, nourish the family and make families independent of the welfare state.

Second, the NCC’s task is to expose and counter four key hostile ideologies in defence of human life and the family, inherent human rights and Australia as an independent, free nation:

Four Hostile Ideologies

  • Libertarianism, ‘the right to do as I please’, (e.g. unrestrained pursuit of pleasure or profit) in its cultural, economic and legal forms, undermines the natural family and a fair market economy;
  • Chinese communism, the ideology behind Beijing’s aggressive extension of power into the Asia Pacific region, and beyond;
  • Fluid gender ideology that is weaponising laws that attack the foundations of a tolerant democracy – freedom of speech, association and religion; and
  • Radical environmentalism that goes beyond protecting the environment to undermining both the energy needs of the nation and the development of important industries.

The National Civic Council’s job is to strengthen the economy to protect Australia’s sovereignty and to expose and defeat four hostile ideologies that undermine the Australian way of life.

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