What We Stand For

About the NCC The National Civic Council (NCC) has published News Weekly for over 80 years. In the 21st Century, NCC first task is to present comprehensive post-Covid19 economic policies, based on the NCC’s five primacies. These policies are to build industries that strategically strengthen Australia, reduce Australia’s reliance on China and provide well-paid jobs…

About Us

What We Stand for: The 5 Primacies The family as the basic unit of society, the foundation of the nation and the most effective provider of welfare to children, the sick or disabled, and the aged. The small unit in agriculture (the family farm), business, government and unions, as opposed to monopolies and excessive centralisation.…


Fighting FundYour financial support of the Fighting Fund will mean the NCC can continue to conduct events, research and analysis, and to organise action, and the building and maintaining of communities, all aimed at making Australia a better place for each and every one of us. Donate here. Help us build: Dedicated policy roundtables with…