
AS THE WORLD TURNS: Who jails and tortures the most journalists on earth?; US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan

Who jails and tortures the most journalists on earth?

In case you hadn’t guessed, Castro’s fiefdom wins the prize “for most journalists jailed (by far!) per capita on earth”. In fact, in total numbers jailed, Cuba (a nation of 11 million subjects) is only slightly behind China (a nation of 1.4 billion!).

According to the Paris-based (not Miami – please note!) Reporters Without Borders, Cuba today holds 20 per cent of the world’s jailed journalists. Imagine Castroite repression with China’s population! The Cuban “Law 88,” passed in February 1999, cranked up the repression several notches, mandating up to 20 years in prison for “providing information that could be useful to US policy”.

As fate would have it, in a gesture hailed by the worldwide media as an exemplar of magnanimity, a journalist Castro arrested in 2003 and sentenced to 25 years in his torture chambers for the crime of “disobedience” (he wrote article hailing the UN declaration on Human Rights), was released just this week.

Extract from Humberto Fontova, “Journalism’s worst enemy in the world”, American Thinker, June 21, 2010.
URL: www.americanthinker.com/2010/06/journalisms_worst_enemy_in_the.html
US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan never was a judge, and her paper trail is short. But it’s long enough to prove that she is a clear and present danger to the Constitution.

When Kagan was dean of Harvard Law School, she presented a guest speaker who is known as the most activist judge in the world: Judge Aharon Barak, formerly president of the Israeli Supreme Court. The polar opposite of the US Constitution, which states that “all legislative powers” are vested in the elected legislative body, Barak has written that a judge should “make” and “create” law, assume “a role in the legislative process”, and give statutes “new meaning that suits new social needs”.

Barak wrote that a judge “is subject to no authority” except himself, and he “must sometimes depart the confines of his legal system and channel into it fundamental values not yet found in it”.

Kagan called him her “judicial hero”.

Judge Robert Bork, a man careful with his words, says that Kagan’s praise of Barak is “disqualifying in and of itself”.

Bork said that Barak “establishes a world record for judicial hubris”. Bork wrote that Barak embraces a judicial philosophy that “there is no area of Israeli life that the court may not govern”.

Kagan demonstrated her feminist extremism when she served as the lead White House strategist advising President Bill Clinton to veto the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. Ten years later, substantially the same act was passed by Congress, signed by President George W. Bush and upheld by the Supreme Court.

A Rasmussen poll reports that 42 per cent of Americans oppose Kagan’s confirmation, and only 35 per cent favour her. Are senators listening?

Extract from Phyllis Schlafly, “Elena Kagan should be rejected”, Townhall.com, June 29, 2010.
URL: http://townhall.com/columnists/PhyllisSchlafly/2010/06/29/elena_kagan_should_be_rejected/page/full