COVER STORY Several items missing from list of the big spend

The Australian Defence White Paper released in February 2016 makes an increase in Australian Defence Force expenditure from about 1.6 per cent of GDP to 2 per cent. The 2 per cent is the percentage of GDP that NATO recommends for NATO nations. There is no guarantee that future Australian governments will adopt this spending.

In my view Australia is a vassal state of the United States. My view is based upon the facts that Australia is integrated fully with the U.S. economic model, financial system, banking system, social policy and social engineering, anti-Christian culture, and push towards the centralisation of political power. As time passes we are also culturally becoming more American and militarily we are an arm of the U.S. and NATO.

This is not what my father, grandfather fought for in two world wars. It dishonours why I served in the ADF reserve for 10 years.

NATO has become an instrument of the unipolar world system of the U.S. and the U.S. has made it clear it is not ready to accept a multi-polar world at this time. This has the potential to provoke World War III, or many regional wars or many changes of governments which do not fit the U.S. unipolar world system.

This last year the U.S. has publicly made Russia its number one security threat and has begun to modernise its nuclear weapons, conventional weapons and military systems in a program which will cost trillions of dollars.

I wonder where the money will come from as the U.S. already has a national debt of around $US19 trillion. Perhaps they will print it and there will be some more “quantitative easing”, as it is called.

The U.S. has also made a decision in the United Nations to weaponise outer space, which Russia opposed at the time. Now Russia and other nations have to deal with the American weaponisation of outer space for the first time. Star Wars may be upon us. Who will be the “Empire” and who “Luke Skywalker”? The U.S. has advanced weapons suitable for outer space, including for the deployment of nuclear weapons to outer space.

The CIA has publically begun an anti-Putin publicity campaign to destroy the public image of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The U.S. ambassador to Russia is having secret meetings with some Russian business elites. I wonder if a “colour change of government” is in progress?

This background sets the scene for the Australian Defence White Paper. Does this white paper meet the defence needs of Australia?

The white paper concentrates on two central strategic issues: (1) defending Australia’s sea and air lanes from convention attack from an enemy over a longer distance from Australia; and (2) Australia forming a part of the projection of power by the U.S. and NATO against potential enemies overseas. All the eggs are in this basket.

In my view the white paper falls short in several areas. These include:

(1) No permanent land-based SAM air defence against nuclear ballistic missiles and nuclear tactical missiles.

(2) No SAM air defence for all ADF military bases, including logistics and command centres.

(3) No SAM air defence for our ADF Army Brigade forces.

(4) No permanent land-based defence of anti-ship missiles/weapons to deter a large-scale sea-borne invasion force.

(5) Three unmanned and undefended air bases across the north of Australia which could be used against us by an invader.

(6) A serious lack of capability in manufacturing and associated technology for many areas of military need.

(7) No civil defence plan for attack by weapons of mass destruction including nuclear attack, chemical attack and biological attack.

(8) No Australian National Guard which is self-sufficient, self-reliant, proud, patriotic, separate from the ADF, ready to defend Australian soil to the last and that cannot be deployed outside Australia.

When the rain and thunder comes and the dogs of war are unleashed on our shore and the ADF are defeated, there will remain our final hope – the “Australian National Guard”.

Semper Fidelis” was the motto of the Battalion in the ADF reserve in which I served some decades ago. It would make a worthy motto for an Australian National Guard.